- Animals worked to produce milk, eggs etc..They worked for human and received food, shelter and water. But in point of view of Old Major, old pig and leader of the farm, in his point of view human exploited animals for their own goods, human used them as slaves. Also Major said that the whole products of animal's labour is stolen from them by human beings. He said that the life of animal is miserable, laborious and short.
- Major's speech and Major's dream
- Animals started rebellion because they were too hungry. They broke the door of the store-shed to eat some food.
- Animals chased of human from the farm, the destroyed everything that reminded then of M.Johes, the owner of this farm.
- They changed the name of the farm. They passed from Manor Farm to Animal Farm
- Animals established the laws of Animal Farm
- They wrote Seven Commandements
2)Whatever goes upon four legs or have wings is a friend.
3)No animal shall wear clothes.
4)No animal shall drink alcohol.
5)No animal shall sleep in bed.
6)No animal shall kill other animal.
7)All animals are equal.
Chapter 3
- Animals were happy, to work for them-selfs and not for human. Sometimes the work was hard. Everyone worked according to his capacity. They met with some difficulties because they couldn't use tools so they had to do some extra work.
- On Sundays there was no work. There was breakfast, the hosting of the flag then Meeting, here the work of the coming week was planned. Meeting ended with signing of the hymn "Beasts of England" and afternoon was given to recreation.
- Pigs set in harness-room as a headquarters of them-selfs. As the smartest animals on the farm they were administrators of the farm and worked on it's organisation. Pigs considered them-selfs as brainworkers and they used benefits, for example: they eat better food, apples and milk, because they're saying that they need them to accomplish the hard work of administration of the farm. Pigs started to use their intelligence in their own purposes.
- Animal farm have two leaders Snowball and Napoleon.
Chapter 4
- Other farms discussed about what had happened on Animal Farm.
- M. Jones and two other farmers attacked Animal Farm because they wanted to have it back. There was a battle, all the animals fought. Jones had a gun and he tried to shoot Snowball but he failed and killed a sheep. Boxer, horse and the strongest animal on the farm, killed farmer from Foxwood. After this battle Snowball was treated as a hero.
- Animals named this battle "The Battle of Cowshed"
Chapter 5
- Sheep called Mollie escaped from the Animal Farm to the other side of Wilington. She went to people.
- Winter was very hard and cold, animals had to exchange eggs for food with humans.
- Snowball and Napoleon disagreed at every point where disagreement was possible.
- Snowball proposed to build windmill
- Napoleon thought that Snowball could take his place, he wanted to b the one leader of Animal Farm. Napoleon used his dogs, he took them from their mother when they were puppies and raised them as his sons, so the dogs always accomplished Napoleon's orders. So Napoleon ordered them to attack Snowball, but Snowball escaped from the farm. And after Napoleon said that Snowball was an enemy.
Chapter 6
- Napoleon changed his mind and decided to build windmill. Animals worked more to build it but the process could take a lot of months or even year. After few months the windmill was destroyed by storm but Napoleon said to animal that it's Snowball who destroyed it.
- Animals started to rebuild the windmill.
- Napoleon started the trade with humans and established sixty-hours week.
- Pigs started to sleep in beds.
- One commandement was changed: No animal shall sleep in bed with sheets.
Chapter 7
- Animals continued to build the windmill, they realized that they needed to buy more tools to human.
- Napoleon traded with humans and their relationships were good.
- Executions. Napoleon said to animal to confess their crimes if they talked or helped Snowball. Stupid animal invented that they did that and then dogs killed them. Other animal were chocked.
Chapter 8
- Relationships with other farms were bad. Frederick, neighbourhood farmer got the timber for free and gave to Napoleon fake bank-notes. Napoleon was in rage and he wanted to boil Frederick alive.
Chapter 9
- Boxer got hurt, his split hoof was long time n healing. Boxer's health went down but he worked even harder than before. When he drag a load of stone he failed and couldn't get up. After Napoleon said that send Boxer to the hospital but in reality he sold him to the glue factory.
- Squeler, the pig who always talked to animal, made a speech in the honor of Boxer and described Boxer's death. Napoleon too pronounced a short oration in Boxer's honor.
Chapter 10
- A lot of time passed. A lot of characters was dead. Pigs got very fat, the worn clothes and drink alcohol. There was many more creatures on the farm. The farm was more prosperous and better organized. It seemed as thought the farm had grown richer without making the animals them-selfs any richer except pigs and dogs. As for the others, their life was the same.
- The irony of the ending of this book is that pigs and man are the same. Author tries to say that human are like pigs in this book. the both have the same attitudes and interests, both are grabby and benefit other animals or man.
- After all , it's just one comendement had left: ALL ANIMALS ARE EQUAL BUT SOME ANIMAL ARE MORE EQUAL THAN OTHERS
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