Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Réflection sur les œuvres de Victor Hugo (Les Misérables , Dernier jour d'un condamné )

Dans notre monde il y a beaucoup des facteurs qui font gens tristes et pauvres, malades et effrayés. Pour plusieurs siècles, depuis la naissance de premières civilisations, des écrivains ont exprimé leur mécontentement de ces facteurs par des messages pour des gens. Avec le temps ces messages ont transformé en romans, ballades, légendes et films, mais ces transformation ont toujours gardé le noyau, des émotions et des sentiments d’auteurs, c’est la littérature qui a renversé des rois et systèmes politiques de certains pays, c’est elle qui a aidé à mieux comprendre ce que nous sommes...Un bon exemple de cela sont des travaux de Victor Hugo, où il a abordé les thèmes tabous de l’époque, et dans ce texte vous aller voir ces thèmes.

Après avoir lu le livre Le dernier jour d’un condamné, et regardé le film Les Misérables, on a réalisé que le thème de l’injustice sosiale est trés présent de façons semblables dans ces deux œuvres de Victor Hugo. Dans Le dernier jour d’un condamné, le personage principale était condamné à mort parce qu’il a commit un crime, mais ensuite on aprend que cette crime est dû à la misère (chap. 23). Alors ce n’est pas juste du tout d’appliquer la peine de mort à cettte personne. En plus, personne ne devrait pas être condamné à mort peu importe le crime qu’il a commis parce que c’est contre les droits humains. Dans Les Misérables  c’est presque la meme chose. Jean Valjean était condamné aux travaux forces pour la période de vingt ans parce qu’il a volé la pain pour ne pas mourir de faim. Donc son crime n’est pas trés pertinent. En plus, la société et le régime politique sont aussi responsables pour le fait que les gens voler la nourriture. En plus, dans ces romans, Victor Hugo exprime sa critique par rapport à la légèrté et la cruauté du système judiciaire. Alors, la theme de l’injustice sociale qui est liée à la misère, est trés semblable dans ces deux œuvres.

Deuxièmemt, on remarque la présence du theme de la misère dans le livre et le film. Même le nom du film Les Misérables est fortement lié à la misère. Dans ce film on nous montre la vie des gens ordinaires avec tous ses problèmes et préoccupations. On nous présente les conditions de travail épouvantables de cette époque-là et les choses que les gens doivent faire pour survivre. Dans Le dernier jour d’un condamné, il y a des choses qui sont presque pareilles puisque l’action se déroule dans la même époque et dans le même endroit. La misère est à peu près partout, les conditions dans les prisons sont mauvaises. C’est aussi la misère qui pousse les gens à aller contre la loi. En plus, dans les deux œuvres, Victor Hugo essaye de dire aux lecteurs que les problèmes de misère et injustice sont liées aux défauts de régime politique qui est présent en France dans cette époque-là. On peut aussi ajouter que la classe moyenne est petite et que la majoritée de la population vit dans la pauvreté. Alors, la thème de misère est l’une des principals thèmes des œuvres de Victor Hugo.

Après avoir vu le film Les Misérables , on a trouvé que dans ce film le thème de l'injustice sociale est l’un des principales. . Un films lié à ce thème nous a beaucoup  touché, et on a trouvé qu’il y a une certaine ressemblance avec Les Misérables , le nom de ce film est Hunger Games : Le Film (2012) de Gary Ross. Dans Les Misérables et dans Hunger Games on peut voir que les gens souffrent à cause de  injustice sociale, dans les deux films, ils travaillent dure et obtiennent un petit salaire, ils essayent de survivre en faisant ce qu'on leur dit. Dans Hunger Games la population est divisé en districts, chaque district a ses devoirs à faire (ce qui ressemble à notre classe sociale). Le district Capitol (gouvernement) contrôle le pays et a le plus de pouvoirs. C’est un film qui nous parle de deux adolescents qui ne veulent plus suivre les règlements de Capitol, qui les oblige à participer aux jeux où ils peuvent mourir, et qui montre  comment les différentes districts se révoltent contre l’injustice et lois stupides. Donc, un jour ou l'autre, les gens vont se révolter contre l'injustice sociale et le gouvernement. Pour avoir une bonne vie, les gens ont besoin de lois justes et les gouvernements stables. Et dans les deux films on voit les mêmes conséquences.

Pour conclure, les temps changent, mais les sujets restent les mêmes, dans ce texte vous avez vu que dans les travaux de Victor Hugo il y a une certaine type de ressemblance des sujets qui sont posés de point du vue différente, ce que est unique et incroyable. Victor Hugo était un sénateur, ce que donne une contraste unique à ces deux romans Misérables et Dernière Jour d’un condamné et nous permet de analyser les deux thèmes de deux côtés opposés un par rapport à l’autre (pauvres et riches).

Monday, March 17, 2014

How to screenshot on mac: 2 simple ways.

How to screenshot on mac: 2 simple ways.

1) Press on your keyboard Command-Shift-3 at the same time. The picture of the entire screen will appear on your desktop.

2) Press on your keyboard Command-Shift-4 at the same time and then drag your cursor to select the part of the screen to shot. After the picture of selected area will appear on your desktop.

screenshot on mac

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Animal Farm George Orwell . Summary/Overview

  • Animals worked to produce milk, eggs etc..They worked for human and received food, shelter and water. But in point of view of Old Major, old pig and leader of the farm, in his point of view human exploited animals for their own goods, human used them as slaves. Also Major said that the whole products of animal's labour is stolen from them by human beings. He said that the life of animal is miserable, laborious and short.
Chapter 2
  • Major's speech and Major's dream
  • Animals started rebellion because they were too hungry. They broke the door of the store-shed to eat some food.
  • Animals chased of human from the farm, the destroyed everything that reminded then of M.Johes, the owner of this farm. 
  • They changed the name of the farm. They passed from Manor Farm to Animal Farm
  • Animals established the laws of Animal Farm
  • They wrote Seven Commandements
1)Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy.
2)Whatever goes upon four legs or have wings is a friend.
3)No animal shall wear clothes.
4)No animal shall drink alcohol.
5)No animal shall sleep in bed.
6)No animal shall kill other animal.
7)All animals are equal.

Chapter 3
  • Animals were happy, to work for them-selfs and not for human. Sometimes the work was hard. Everyone worked according to his capacity. They met with some difficulties because they couldn't use tools so they had to do some extra work.
  • On Sundays there was no work. There was breakfast, the hosting of the flag then Meeting, here the work of the coming week was planned. Meeting ended with signing of the hymn "Beasts of England" and afternoon was given to recreation.
  • Pigs set in harness-room as a headquarters of them-selfs. As the smartest animals on the farm they were administrators of the farm and worked on it's organisation.  Pigs considered them-selfs as brainworkers and they used benefits, for example: they eat better food, apples and milk, because they're saying that they need them to accomplish the hard work of administration of the farm. Pigs started to use their intelligence in their own purposes.
  • Animal farm have two leaders Snowball and Napoleon.

Chapter 4
  • Other farms discussed about what had happened on Animal Farm.
  • M. Jones and two other farmers attacked Animal Farm because they wanted to have it back. There was a battle, all the animals fought. Jones had a gun and he tried to shoot Snowball but he failed and killed a sheep. Boxer, horse and the strongest animal on the farm, killed farmer from Foxwood. After this battle Snowball was treated as a hero. 
  • Animals named this battle "The Battle of Cowshed"

Chapter 5

  • Sheep called Mollie escaped from the Animal Farm to the other side of Wilington. She went to people.
  • Winter was very hard and cold, animals had to exchange eggs for food with humans.
  • Snowball and Napoleon disagreed at every point where disagreement was possible.
  • Snowball proposed to build windmill 
  • Napoleon thought that Snowball could take his place, he wanted to b the one leader of Animal Farm. Napoleon used his dogs, he took them from their mother when they were puppies and raised them as his sons, so the dogs always accomplished Napoleon's orders. So Napoleon ordered them to attack Snowball, but Snowball escaped from the farm. And after Napoleon said that Snowball was an enemy.   

Chapter 6

  • Napoleon changed his mind and decided to build windmill. Animals worked more to build it but the process could take a lot of months or even year. After few months the windmill was destroyed by storm but Napoleon said to animal that it's Snowball who destroyed it.
  • Animals started to rebuild the windmill.
  • Napoleon started the trade with humans and established sixty-hours week.
  • Pigs started to sleep in beds. 
  • One commandement was changed: No animal shall sleep in bed with sheets.
Chapter 7

  • Animals continued to build the windmill, they realized that they needed to buy more tools to human.
  • Napoleon traded with humans and their relationships were good.
  • Executions. Napoleon said to animal to confess their crimes if they talked or helped Snowball. Stupid animal invented that they did that and then dogs killed them. Other animal were chocked.
Chapter 8

  • Relationships with other farms were bad. Frederick, neighbourhood farmer got the timber for free and gave to Napoleon fake bank-notes. Napoleon was in rage and he wanted to boil Frederick alive.

Chapter 9

  • Boxer got hurt, his split hoof was long time n healing. Boxer's health went down but he worked even harder than before. When he drag a load of stone he failed and couldn't get up. After Napoleon said that send Boxer to the hospital but in reality he sold him to the glue factory.
  • Squeler, the pig who always talked to animal, made a speech in the honor of Boxer and described Boxer's death. Napoleon too pronounced a short oration in Boxer's honor.

Chapter 10

  • A lot of time passed. A lot of characters was dead. Pigs got very fat, the worn clothes and drink alcohol. There was many more creatures on the farm. The farm was more prosperous and better organized. It seemed as thought the farm had grown richer without making the animals them-selfs  any richer except pigs and dogs. As for the others, their life was the same.
  • The irony of the ending of this book is that pigs and man are the same. Author tries to say that human are like pigs in this book. the both have the same attitudes and interests, both are grabby and benefit other animals or man.
  • After all , it's just one comendement had left: ALL ANIMALS ARE EQUAL BUT SOME ANIMAL ARE MORE EQUAL THAN OTHERS

Friday, September 13, 2013

Summary "The Picture of Dorian Gray" Oscar Wilde

I've just read The Picture of Dorian Gray and i want to write some kind of summary for this book.

Author puts Dorian Grey in a fantastic situation: he gives him eternal beauty and youth. When Dorian gets older it's his portrait becomes ugly and terrible instead of him. Dorian keeps the same look all the long of his life. Rich, handsome young man immerses in the world of pleasures following his teacher Lord Henry Wotton, who suggested him an idea of eternal youth admiring the portrait of Dorian in artist Beliza Hallward's studio. Bezila put purity of Dorian's beauty in the portrait, put his feelings, dreams, his own vision of beauty. Great artwork received part of creator's soul. Dorian loved the portrait and he listened  ideas of Lord Henry who said that people should not just trust the art and not just learn something from its beauty but also to search the art in their own life.

Beliza and Lord Henri were in disagreement about beauty and youth. But Lord Henri won the debate and convinced Dorian to his point of view. Then Lord Henri became his close friend and teacher.

Dorian Grey listened his new teacher without much thinking. He exchanged his soul for eternal pleasures. It happened when he was admiring his portrait and said "If it were I who was to be always young, and the picture that was to grow old! For that-for that-I would give everything! Yes, there is nothing in the whole world I would not give! I would give my soul for that!"  And then the portrait created by Basil took the charge of time on its self and also the moral responsibility for the desire of pleasures.

Pleasures always requires sacrifices. The first one was the love with young actress Sybil Vane. But this love passed quickly when Sybil fell in love with young Dorian and was no longer able to act love on the scene. Dorian was upset by her acting and then he left her. Sybil  couldn't get over it and then she killed her-self. It was the first thing that made the portrait uglier and older. When Dorian noticed it he was scared but the next moment his selfishness convinced him, he put the portrait away and started the new life.

This new life was double. In society Dorian was a handsome young man, teen idol that was always looking for new pleasure and feelings. His luxury house was designed greatly with modern furniture. His house was amazing. Dorian assembled the collections of rare perfumes, precious stones and exotic musical instruments. He was heaving a good time by traveling and collecting different kind of things.

Soon, rich and lonely life was not enough for Dorian. From society salons he moved to the dirty brothels and drogue nests. People began to gossip about Dorian's double life. Then he told his secret of the portrait to Bazil. Bazil tried to put Dorian on the right way but Dorian refused and showed his ugly portrait as a mockery. Bazil was terrified buy the real face of Dorian, it was old, almost bald, wrinkled  and evil. But even Gray himself was horrified by this portrait and he said that it's Bazil's fault that he became this kind of person. Then Dorian got very angry, he killed Bazil and destroyed his body. 

To late Dorian felt pang of conscience, he became jealous of all people whose souls were clean and without blemish. In the end he thought that the portrait is his own conscience and decided to get rid of it in order to stop suffering. Dorian took a knife and rushed to the terrible portrait. Servants woke up because of scream and they found the ugly old man next to the portrait of handsome youth. They could realized that it's Dorian Grey's dead body just by rings on his fingers...

Monday, April 1, 2013

Résumé du livre "Maestro" Xavier-Laurent Petit \краткое содержание книги "Maestro" Xavier-Laurent Petit

Saturnino habitait avec sa sœur Luzia dans la rue. Ils étaient orphelins, ses parents était morts. Luzia aimait chanter des chansons, que sa mère lui avait apprises.  Saturnino était cireur de chaussures et Luzia vendait les journaux. Un jour, sa cliente était une très jolie fille, et son ami lui a payé juste 20 centavos. Saturnino était en colère. Il a voulu volé le sac de ce gars, mais un macaco (policier) l’a attrapé. C’était la pire chose pour Saturnino, mais une personne l’a sauvé, c’était le vieil homme qui a dit qu’il connait président corrompu Anayas. Ce vieil homme s’appelait Romero Villandes, il avait l’aire riche, il était  un chef d’orchestre. Romero a invité Saturnino et ses amis à venir chez lui. Au début,  Saturnino avait peur, mais quand même, il est venu chez lui avec Luzia, Patte-Folle et les autres enfants. Ensemble, ils apprenaient à jouer sur les instruments. Tous les enfants étaient très contents de jouer de la musique. Saturnino a raconté comment il a perdu ses parents. Ils sont morts à cause du président Anayas. Le vieil homme a dit qu’ils étaient des amis avec  Anayas, il y a très longtemps.  Saturnino et ses amis n’avaient plus rien à manger, à cause de la saison des pluies. À la suite de cela, ils ont cassé les vitrines et volé les produits, mais un des macacos a attrapé Patte-Folle, ami très proche à Saturnino, et la frappé très fort en plein ventre. Après quelque temps, Patte-Folle est mort à la suite d’hémorragie interne causé par un coup en ventre.  Le vieil homme a invité Saturnino, Luzia et ses amis à habiter chez lui. Saturnino a téléphoné au président Anayas pour dire que Patte-Folle est mort è cause de lui. Après quelque temps, Anayas a visité l’Escuela (école de musique du vieil homme) et le soir même l’Escuela était brulé par les gens dehors qui étaient en révolte. Tous les enfants étaient tristes. Après trois ans, le vieil homme s’est écroulé à cause de la crise cardiaque. Saturnino avec sa sœur est reparti à sa ville natale.